We at help you in many ways to get your hard earned money back from your respective Insurance companies (if you have any mediclaim and were admitted in Non – Network hospital)

We all would have experienced this painful and traumatic experience of going through
an admission procedure and hospital being not on panel of your insurance company and
then have to file up the re embursement to claim the amount.

Why do you need our help?

  • It is a traumatic and painful experience
  • Sometimes the hospital is not in panel of insurance company
  • Arrogant and unresponsive call centre of your mediclaim company
  • Limited knowledge and struggle to do follow ups (generally with OLD AGE SENIOR CITIZENS / WORKING COUPLES / INTERSTATE TRAVELLERS etc.)

The work seems to have become a TASK to accomplish and after so much of hassles either we get it with deductions (most of which could be avoided) or we tend to forget it considering the number of rounds to be made and spoiling the entire work / health for it.

Now, provides you a relief from all such scenarios by helping you file up your claim and you receiving the money in your account without you going out from your house.

All the necessary interactions are done by the support team of as they have collaborations with most of the TPA’s and the Mediclaim officers in different hospitals and other senior professionals; which makes them work more accurately and submitting your documents in the desired format to them in stipulated time with minimal or no queries to be replied.

They charge you a nominal percentage of their fees (under 5%) or as per the amount claimed.

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Consult our Medical Experts. We heal the root cause of diseases and also provide all medical related services at best prices