Ayurvedic Doctors in Mumbai

Send an inquiry to a Vaidya (Ayurvedic doctor) by calling the Healthanand.In Help line no 9167645444 or drop a WhatsApp message

Best Ayurvedic Doctor in Thane and Mumbai

If you are within Mumbai / India , you can request a Healthanand.In Vaidya to call you back. Just fill out the Personal details Form given on website and upload your medical reports (if any) and mention your chief complaints.

About Healthanand Ayurvedic consultation.

The Healthanand team has tie ups with actual working Panchakarma Specialists in Mumbai and Pune. Our team of doctors has been personally handpicked as per their performances in their respective field.

We offer personalized consultation for the treatment of chronic diseases and lifestyle disorders including

Joint Pain


Spine Ailments




Others services are Stress, High Blood Pressure, Skin Diseases, Cancer, Asthma, Spondylitis, Allergies, Hair Loss and Obesity, among others.

Complete Health Solutions with Ayurvedic and Panchakarma

If you wish to get authentic and personalized treatment for your health problem, all you need to do is call our telemedicine centre and talk to a Healthanand.In Vaidya. Our doctors will analyze your case history and guide you to the fastest, most effective Ayurvedic solution that comprises medicines, diet and lifestyle plans as well as continued support.


  • Initiated as one of the first and Ayurvedic telemedicine centre with Panchakarma associative and directly involving Ayurveda College Hospitals with Ayurvedic Pharmacy companies for best & uniform pricing on Ayurvedic drugs and Treatment charges.
  • Complete safety of Patient data.
  • Provides affordable consultation, customized treatment and complete assistance in treatment.
  • 1st ever thought to connect the Ayurvedic Colleges – their Ayurvedic Consultants + Private Ayurvedic Consultants + Ayurvedic Hospitals and Ayurvedic Pharmacies across to create a uniform and economical pricing for the patients on long term.
  • We see Ayurveda from current scenario (modern eyes) (i.e. in light /presence of your actual findings and then prescribing an evidence based justified treatment)
Book Appointment

Consult our Medical Experts. We heal the root cause of diseases and also provide all medical related services at best prices